课程代号 |
课程中文名称 |
课程英文名称 |
1200010 |
纺织有机化学 |
Textile Organic Chemistry |
1200220 |
纺织材料学 |
Textile Materials |
1200620 |
新型纺织材料 |
New Textile Materials |
1200590 |
纺纱学 |
The Principles and Theory of Spinning |
1200600 |
织造学 |
Preparation and Weaving Engineering |
1200610 |
针织学 |
Knitting Technology |
1200630 |
现代纺纱技术 |
Unconventional Spinning Technology |
1200640 |
现代织造技术 |
Modern Preparation and Weaving Technology |
1200750 |
纺纱质量控制 |
Spinning Quality Control Technology |
1200650 |
织物组织与结构 |
Fabric Weaves and Structures |
1201110 |
纺织工艺设计 |
Textile Technology Design |
1200770 |
纺织标准与检测 |
Textile Standard and Testing |
1200780 |
Matlab程序设计与纺织应用 |
Matlab Programmer and Its Application in Textile |
1200790 |
纺织专业英语 |
Textile English |
1200800 |
纺织贸易实务 |
Textile International Trade Practice |
1200810 |
纺织厂空气调节 |
Air Conditioning of Textile Mills |
1200820 |
化纤概论 |
Introduction on Chemical Fibers |
1200830 |
服装设计基础与生产工艺 |
Foundation of Structure Design & Production Technology on Garment |
1200840 |
纺织CAD |
Textile CAD |
1200850 |
纺织市场与营销 |
Textile Marketing |
1200860 |
染整概论 |
Dyeing and Finishing of Textile |
1200870 |
非织造布技术 |
Introduction to Nonwoven Technology |
1200660 |
针织物组织与产品设计 |
Knitting Fabric Structure & Product Design |
1200680 |
服装结构设计与生产工艺 |
Structure Design & Production Technology of Garment |
1200670 |
针织毛衫设计与工艺 |
Sweater Design and Production Technology |
1200880 |
针织产品开发与质量控制 |
Product Development & Quality Control of Knitting Fabrics |
1200890 |
色彩与图案设计 |
Color and Pattern Design |
1200910 |
纺织服装CAD |
Apparel &Textile CAD |
1200690 |
纺织品设计 |
Fabrics Design |
1200700 |
纤维化学与物理 |
Chemistry and Physics of Fibers |
1200060 |
认识实习 |
Understanding Textile Processes |
1200570 |
生产实习 |
Mill Practice |
1201020 |
保全保养实习 |
Preserving and Maintenance Practice |
1200580 |
毕业设计(论文) |
Graduation Project |
1201040 |
纺织产品设计与开发 |
Textile Product Design and Development |
1200230 |
纺织材料学实验 |
Textile Materials Experiment |
1201130 |
纺纱实验及设备实训 |
Spinning Experiment and Equipment Training |
1201140 |
织造实验及设备实训 |
Weaving Experiment and Equipment Training |
1201150 |
针织实验及设备实训 |
Knitting Experiment and Equipment Training |
1200980 |
纺纱课程设计 |
Professional Curriculum Design on Spinning |
1201160 |
织造课程设计 |
Professional Curriculum Design on Weaving |
1201000 |
针织课程设计 |
Professional Curriculum Design on Knitting |
1201010 |
染整工艺实验 |
Experiments of Textile Dyeing and Finishing |
1200930 |
染整助剂 |
Assistant Agents of Dyeing and Finishing |
1200720 |
染料化学 |
Dye Chemistry |
1200940 |
测色配色 |
Color Measuring and Matching of Textile |
1200730 |
纺织品前处理与后整理 |
Pretreatment and Finishing for Textile |
1201120 |
纺织品清洁生产 |
Textile Cleaning Production |
1200740 |
纺织品染色与印花 |
Textile Dyeing and Printing |
1200920 |
染整设备 |
Machinery of Textile Dyeing and Finishing |
1200950 |
新型染整技术 |
Innovative technology in textile dyeing and finishing |
1200960 |
针织及牛仔的染整加工 |
Dyeing and Finishing of Denim and Knitted fabric |